Thursday, August 30, 2007

i'm 18 now, complete with lottery tickets and a tattoo to prove it. yep, that's right; a tattoo. its the Hebrew word "ga'al" meaning "redeemed," and it is located on my left wrist as a constant reminder (and-maybe-a conversation piece.) my friend cheryl and i went to NC on tuesday to get it, and ended up having a fabulous time.
life at 18 isn't so bad, but i definitely am aware that i move into COLLEGE in 4 1/2 days. such craziness-i still feel like i am in high school. maybe that will change on tuesday. as always, i am wondering what really will change with this new phase of my life. i am wondering how stable i will be when submerged in...the essence of furman. i have been helping out with my church's youth group, so i am hoping that knowing i have responsibility with the girls (and accountability with one of the adults) will keep me straight. that's so sad, that my main influence isn't the Lord or respect for His body; fear of man issues run insanely deep with me, and they need to be broken.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


the birthday dance on tuesday night was AMAZING. or, should i say, the danceS. yep, that's right, there was more than one, and i absolutely loved both of them. what ended up happening with the guy? talking. that's it. no dancing, no other stuff. just talking. and it was...nice. painful, but nice. i am fairly certain that something in me will always react to him, but it was definitely a lot more bearable than it could have been.
tomorrow i turn 18. i am excited and also a bit wary. there's just something about becoming an "adult" that the little kid in me refuses to accept; i still want to go play red rover and jump rope and draw beautiful chalk masterpieces on the sidewalk, not having to worry about GPAs and getting a job and millions of other things. however, turning 18 does have its advantages: i am planning to get a tattoo! I was going to get it tomorrow, but because of $$ and other things, I am going to wait until monday. i am planning to get the word for "redeemed" on my left wrist in all black. i am excited (and, yes, nervous...i want it to go smoothly!)

off to listen to the Word. i need it.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

days go by, i'm hypnotized...

life seems to be moving all too fast; i feel like i am on physical, mental, and emotional overload this week. all of my friends from high school are now at college (with the exception of the one who is Furman-bound, of course.) I will be 18 in 2 1/2 days, legally old enough to vote, get the death penalty, buy tobacco, and order off infomercials. I decided to chill this morning and finally watch The Chronicles of Narnia since I had not gotten a chance to see it. It was good, but I was immensely distracted from the message by a sinking feeling in my stomach anytime Mr. Tumnas was onscreen. His mannerisms, his voice, his character were all eerily reminiscent of someone that I know, one of my biggest lapses of character ever. Just this week I was thinking how thankful I was that he hasn't been around, that I thought I was completely past everything with him...and now this. The temptation to rationalize contact, friendship...maybe more with him is pretty crazy right now, especially knowing that he could be there tonight at swing for my birthday dance. I haven't danced with him in a solid could get the best of me.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

random thoughts.

i have always been a homebody; that is, no matter where i enjoy being or doing, at some point, i always want to return home, at least to some extent. lately, i have been realizing that home is not what or where i thought it was. don't get me wrong; i have lived in the same house (in almost the same room) my entire life. but more and more, that physical building, while it is my "house" (at least until i move into college,) is not my home. home is not just one place is many places. on sunday mornings, it is an old high school auditorium, filled with many believers. a hot, crowded dancefloor is my tuesday night home. and i have gradually started to find homes in some people as see, i think home is truly where the heart is, where you can take off your shoes and everything else you carry around and truly be you. home is somewhere you feel safe. and every so often, when i manage to let my guard down (or, more often, the Lord tears down my pretenses to where i must be my true self) i actually find that there IS a place for me in others' lives, hearts, and homes. very cool.

in other thought news, i have been thinking a lot about my relationship with God. i could go on for many paragraphs about the different aspects of what i have been thinking about, but i will sum it all up in a few words: redemption. marriage. (true) freedom. want to know more? ask.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

redemption song

life. what craziness.
i am ever so slowly learning about purity/chastity/redemption. sometimes it seems like a losing battle, one that does not matter in the grand scheme of things. but lately i have been catching glimpses of just how important it is. if you want to talk about it more, please don't hesitate to let me know.
i meet my roommate tomorrow. i am nervous, but i think it is going to be a good year with her. i have already told her about eating stuff, and she was totally supportive and amazing, which was a HUGE relief. kind of awkward, because obviously i do not know her, but i felt like she should know.
man, i am tired. i will finish this post later.