Sunday, September 28, 2008


stealing away on a sunny day...

so, for usability sake, i decided to move over to wordpress, where my photoblog is. of course, this was decided when i was supposed to be doing my psych paper…oops.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

light trails and falling leaves

two week old flowers still lay on top of my microwave, their shriveled beauty just a shadow of what they once were. try as i might, i haven't found the heart yet to place them in the trash bin. seeing them reminds me of a whirlwind of emotion: new people, starlit talks, and spending time with someone who made feel like the most special girl in the room, even though i wasn't the one in the gorgeous white dress. it seems, as the weather turns and the leaves fall, i am finding myself doing the same.

and yet somehow through it all, my mind is supposed to be here. this term is so different than the past three. work work work, but i don't have a single grade for psych 22 yet; its a little scary. i feel increasingly disenchanted with the psych department as this class drags on. i find myself praying prayers too big for my little heart and mind to handle, yet too small in comparison with a ginormous God. i have been pondering what my passions are as of late, thinking about the things i would do if there was nothing on my schedule for the coming years. i want to take pictures, millions and millions of pictures, each documenting a specific, wonderful, heartbreaking moment in the lives of those around me. i feel like peter pan, not wanting to grow up or old; i wonder if photography is my way of slowing things down, taking things one frame at a time. life is more manageable if seen through a viewfinder. and yet i don't want things to fit inside my parameters; i want to be messy and free. i want to dance in the streets, have my heart bursting with joy and passion and brokenness for the world i live in, the world i am not bound to forever. i want to fingerpaint and graffiti about the Lord's promises, sing praises loudly and not care how they sound, shout my questions and doubts and fears to the wise One in the middle of fields and not be ashamed, because He is bigger than all of them. where is the major where I do all of that? i know majors are hardly everything, i just don't want to waste my time sitting in a class discussing stimulus control when there is so much to be done, so much living and loving and praying and crying and hoping and healing to do.

it is times like these, those rare moments where i truly feel alive and the fire is kindled that i think i get glimpses of where my heart was meant to be.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


so, there's a company that i have been stalking for a while that makes awesome shirts, they take awesome art and combine scripture references to make sweet clothing combos, and right now, they are offering the first 100 bloggers a free shirt if they promo; how awesome is that? so, yeah...check them out!

Friday, August 15, 2008

suddenly i see

just when i think i have managed to screw everything up...i am proved wrong.
im not in charleston right now. panicky irrationality led me to stay here. but guess what. a boy from charleston is coming up to see me tomorrow. i am apparently worth the heartache and the disappointment today, and the drive tomorrow.
sometimes the Lord just drops blessings into my lap when i least expect it.
this one just happens to be amazing and very cute.

Monday, July 7, 2008

there's nothing harder than learning how to receive.

the title is a lyric from, who else, OtR. the last few sundays, God has been smacking me in the face with the fact that i am utterly dependent on Him. toby preached 2 weeks ago on how hiding is not the safest place, that we need to be confessing our sin to Jesus and ourselves and others. i have been doing some scary confessing of my own since then to a few close believing friends. i wonder why intimacy is so hard, when it is something i crave so much...i guess it is the brokenness. namely, mine, because i also find it hard to be intimate with my Heavenly Lover. i place false assumptions on Him, underestimate His grace and overestimate His similarity to my own dark heart. i frequently imagine Him as far away and uncaring, when the truth is that He continues to draw near to me and His love is unfathomable. yesterday toby preached on psalm 136, which contains the refrain "His love endures forever." i thought i was exempt from the word i was about to hear; in reality, it nailed me right between the eyes. how quickly i forget His providence and rationalize His grace, feeling entitled to the things i have truly been granted. and yet, His unshakeable, unbreakable covenant love endures forever. toby challenged us to write our own psalm 136. i plan to do so this week.

as far as my checklist goes, i have been employed for over a week now in my city's family-owned gelateria and restaurant. it has been an eye-opening experience thus far, as it is my first job where i knew no one i was to work with before starting to work there. my insecurities have been kicked into high gear, but why? yes, my bosses could fire me if i don't do a good job.'s just gelato. when was the last time someone really took offense that their gelato didnt have an exact point that was precisely in the center of the cup? not that i am slacking off...maybe i should just put less pressure on myself. it is a fun environment, and the bossman said he might be sending me to barista school in a month or so! oh, the excitement i felt in hearing that!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

to halley.

You would be four tomorrow.
That’s the only way to describe this.
After trying so hard not to feel in the beginning, I find myself, some four and a half years later, fighting to express the emotion behind this time.

I am still mourning.
I grieve the happy times.
Finger paintings we would have made together to put up everywhere; the entire world made into a gallery for your squiggles and lines.
Pushing you on the swing set, wind in your hair, giggles mingling with sunlight in the summer air.
Zoo trips to see the animals, watching your awe in seeing them, telling you about their colors and that all are friends from the God who created us.
Time spent curled up in bed, listening to the rain as it refreshes the spring buds.

But I also grieve the less happy times.
Scaring the monsters from under your bed.
Rocking you back to sleep after a scary dream in the wee hours of the morning.
Kissing your cuts from falling on the pavement outside.
Comforting you during shots and scary visits to the doctor, my heart breaking at your terror and the anticipated pain.

More than anything, dear one, I grieve not being able to hold you.

But now I am seeing that we are both being held,
I, here on Earth, and you, in Heaven.
Our Father, the One who loves you more completely than I ever could, is watching over me, slowly bringing me out of my sadness into a place of peace.
Not that I have ever stopped missing you, little one.
But the more I get to know our Father, the more I see how much He loves us,
And the more I understand how much better it is that you are with Him right now.
Yes, in these moments, we are both being held by Him, and in that shared experience...
our hearts are together.

You would be four tomorrow.
Happy birthday, my little angel.
I am sending you up a balloon.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

i will not get physically involved outside a committed relationship. i will not get physically involved outside a committed relationship. i will not get physically involved outside a committed relationship. i will not get physically involved outside a committed relationship...


apparently, physical involvement should have been the least of my worries...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

things to do this summer.

-get a job. this takes first priority over anything else (minus Jesus and family-related things) on the list.
-have a quiet time every day.
-go to the GA aquarium.
-play frisbee at least once a week.
-go on photo adventures.
-catch up with friends.
-dance when possible.
-take time to do something with little sister at least once every other day (try every day though!)
-do things around the house without being asked.
-hang out with and get to know the girls in the youth group better.
-audition for a play. ((i miss them terribly.))
-see a Braves game ((not sure this is possible, but its definitely an ambition!))
-go to charleston at least once to visit that cute, geeky boy who loves Jesus.
-get my cartilage piercing healthy.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

hard decision

so, its official. i am not going to LP.
my head is going a million miles an hour in different directions.
i am disappointed, but not allowing myself to be miserable. this was my choice, and the Lord can redeem it for His glory. hopefully now i can get some sleep at night, and less of a headache.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

"Sometimes it hurts too much to peel back the layers and feel what’s under there. Yet what we’re not healing is hurting us somehow. I believe that the more I share my life and process honestly, the more I can heal, and, in turn, help others to heal." -Sark

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

stealin away on a sunny day...

it's been a while since i have posted. three months, to be exact.
i am officially done with the school year, as of 9:45 this morning. it is incredibly surreal; i do not leave until tomorrow to go home, but have started taking things down slowly. how can such a big, important span of time have passed so quickly? i feel like a completely different person now. new things/experiences that have happened since entering furman:
1. tons of new loves: the motorcycle diaries, bubble tea, waho.
2. seeing over the rhine. in concert. twice. within 48 hours. (and meeting them before the second show!) no promises...but i have my fingers crossed to see them again in, oh, a little over 3 days.
3. learning so much, about so many things. yes, academically, i have learned lots (and proceeded to cram and then core dump lots), but even more than that, i have learned so much about life. over the past eight months, i have come back to life. it has been a very slow progression, and it is still ongoing, but a friend pointed it out to me earlier, and they are right. i entered college barely hanging onto my sanity and grasping for ways to feel alive again, looking in all directions except really Jesus. These past few months, He has been calling me to Him. I related it to another friend earlier like this:

I have been playing outside, and, as children are inevitable to do, I have gotten hurt, both by my choices and the brokenness of the place I am in. In an effort to stop the hurt, I have been seeking bandaids to fix my hurts, my fears about what is coming next, my questions. They have only made it worse. I have been sitting outside, sad, hurt, and having convinced myself that I am alone, when really, my Father is standing on the porch, calling me to Himself, asking me to come to Him so He can fix those same questions, wounds, and fears. He is ready and willing...all I have to do is come.
it is a wonderful realization.

i am still processing the year, and will be adding more as it comes to me.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

new addition

i just started a photo-a-day blog. check it out...


Tuesday, February 26, 2008


today's post is brief, written from one of my favorite places, coffee underground.

God is good.
the longer I am a Christian, the more I realize two things:
(1) i will never perfect "the basics"
(2) i will never understand all of God until I go home.

and that is okay.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


thought from the "jacob's diner" shirt on

"it may taste good...but is it worth my inheritance?"

the answer is pretty obvious.
but rationalizing has already started.